Chris Hemsworth als James Bond?
Al maandenlang wordt er gespeculeerd of Daniel Craig terug komt voor nog een James Bond film en wie anders zijn vervanging zal worden. Craig heeft de rol van James Bond in vier films gespeeld, gedurende 11 jaar. Sinds de promotie van SPECTRE heeft Craig meermaals laten weten dat het tijd is om zijn smoking aan de wilgen te hangen. Vervolgens zijn al meerdere namen de revue gepasseerd die het stokje van hem zouden overnemen. Denk aan Tom Hiddleston, Jamie Bell en Idris Elba. Nu kunnen we de ster uit Thor, Chris Hemsworth, toevoegen aan dit lijstje. Bekend stuntman Bobby Holland Hanton, die al meerdere malen met Daniel Craig heeft gewerkt, zei het volgende:
“Chris Hemsworth is head and shoulders above the competition. Chris is in a league of his own. I am in the middle of filming Thor Raganok with Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston and Idris Elba. The buzz and in my opinion is that it’s Chris Hemsworth for Bond. He would be perfect. I am not being biased in any way. I think he would be perfect for it, and he has got a fantastic English accent as everyone knows from his performance in Rush. He has obviously got the physical shape. Tom is also training and hard at it in his own gym, but Chris is in a league of his own when it comes to physique.”
Chris zou hij de tweede Australiër ooit zijn om James Bond te spelen, na George Lazenby in 1969. Toen Hemsworth hier recentelijk naar werd gevraagd zei hij:
“I don’t know many who wouldn’t jump at that. Would it be scary and daunting? Of course. But what isn’t?”
Bobby voegde hieraan toe:
“I worked on the last Bond, on Skyfall and then Spectre. I have doubled for Daniel Craig. Daniel Craig is rough and ready. Daniel is blonde, I don’t think they are too dissimiliar. Chris is in ridiculously great shape himself anyway, I have to try hard to keep up with him. He is 6’4” and very physical and like Danie Craig in that he is bursting to do his own stunts. He makes my job a little bit easier because he is very athletic, he does a great job at his stunt work, he loves to do it. My first ever job was when I was stunt double to Daniel Craig, just 23 on my first ever job, new kid on the block and had to take it all, it was a huge learning curve. I was lucky enough to work on Skyfall and again Spectre. My experience on the Bond are always great. I hope I get a chance to work on the next and to be Chris’ double as the new Bond.”