Paul Feig over Susan Cooper & Bridesmaids sequel
Na 2011’s Bridesmaids en de aankomende film The Heat, blijft Paul Feig het ‘female-driven comedy’ genre domineren met een nieuw project. Het recentelijk aangekondigde Susan Cooper. De film wordt een “realistic comedy about a female James Bond,” maar niet eentje die andere films op de hak neemt zoals Get Smart en Johnny English. Feig schreef het script zelf.
Tijdens de promotie van The Heat in New York City, vertelde Feig over de balans tussen komedie en realistisch actie in Susan Cooper en over de verantwoordelijkheden voor een Bridesmaids sequel. Feig over Susan Cooper:
“Well, I mean, it’s honestly the exact same tone as “The Heat,” you know? Because I don’t consider The Heat – what I don’t want people to think is like, oh, it’s just one of these parodies where it’s kind of like, you know, she’s pretending to be James Bond or something. It has to be like a real character who goes on this kind of real situation, but then it’s how she interacts with the world and with the people around her, that’s where the comedy comes from.”
Over Bridemaids 2 zegt Feig:
“Wedding Crashers” never got a sequel and then Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson reunited for “The Internship” and it didn’t do so well, so really, you need to just go for it now. It really does fall to Kristen that one because that’s her baby and also she’s so great in it. I can’t imagine doing it without her, so that one’s not in my court. That is not in my hands.”