Back To The Future wordt een musical

Great Scott! Net op tijd voor het dertig jarige bestaan van Back To The Future, wordt de film geadapteerd tot een musical. Regisseur Robert Zemeckis en medeschrijver Bob Gale werken samen met Universal Stage Productions aan het project en deze zal waarschijnlijk volgende jaar in London op het toneel staan.

Back To The Future musical

Gale belooft dat er geen oude verhaallijnen worden opgerakeld:

“The Back To The Future Musical is a project that Bob Zemeckis and I have been exploring for almost ten years. We’re thrilled to be at last in partnership with a creative and producing team that will create a show that is true to the spirit of the film without being a slavish remake.”

Hij vervolgt:

“We know the integrity of the material will be preserved in a production that will be a wonderful companion to the Trilogy. We intend to use music from the movie along with brand new songs to make a version of Back To The Future that is fresh, entertaining, and takes advantage of all the amazing things that can now be done on stage. We can’t think of a better way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the film.”

Broadway impresario Donovan Mannato zal het project produceren en Jamie Lloyd zal de voorstelling regisseren. Laatstgenoemde liet weten:

“Rather than attempt to recreate such an iconic movie on stage, we have assembled a brilliant artistic team to discover a unique theatrical language to take audiences on a journey through time in a vibrant, unexpected way. The production will include illusions, skateboarding and many other surprises that will capture the spirit of the film but freshly interpret it for a new audience. Steven Spielberg once described the film as a musical and whilst we are incorporating some of the original, exhilarating score and songs, Alan Silvestri and Glen Ballard’s witty, infectious and heartfelt new songs are the perfect springboard to tell this uplifting story anew.”


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