Emilia Clarke reageert weer op naaktscènes (in Game Of Thrones)

Emilia Clarke is vooral bekend vanwege de HBO-serie Game of Thrones, waarin ze de rol van Daenerys Targaryen speelt. Toch krijgt de serie ook kritiek. Zo zijn er fans die te vinden dat er teveel vrouwelijk naakt in te zien is. Eerder dit jaar liet Clarke zich er al over uit, maar nu reageert ze wederom op alle kritiek op naaktscènes. Ze vertelde in een interview met Harper’s Bazaar:

“I’m starting to get really annoyed about this stuff now because people say, ‘Oh, yeah, all the porn sites went down when Game of Thrones came back on. I’m like, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale?’ I f—ing love that show, and I cried when it ended because I couldn’t handle not seeing it. That is all sex and nudity. There are so many shows centred around this very true fact that people reproduce. People f—k for pleasure — it’s part of life. It pushed me into another casting type; forced me to be an actor,” she says. “Instead of playing Juliet and doing the light, airy stuff, I would be the granny who cracks wise, or a down-and-out hooker who has seen better days.”

Clarke laat zich ook uit over een Hollywood stereotype en over hoe andere mensen haar zien:

“I think in the early days I second-guessed everyone. I mean, I do that in life anyway, but especially with fame and becoming successful, and strangers knowing you more than your circle of friends, I would worry about what people thought of me. Then you get to a point where you’re like, ‘You know what? I’m okay.’ There is ‘the one’ for particular parts of your life — you change as you get older. So when I was in my teens, there was ‘the one’ for my teens, for sure, and then, you know, there’s ‘the one’ for the next time of your life. There’s this Buddhist philosophy that says you can only really understand yourself through your interactions with other people.”

Clarke is binnenkort ook te zien in de film Above Suspicion en later in 2018 in Solo: A Star Wars Story.


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