James Cameron over Avatar sequels

Filmmaker James Cameron deed onlangs mee in een ‘Ask Me Anything’ op Reddit. Tijdens deze AMA had hij het kort over de Avatar sequels. Zo vertelde de regisseur:

“The second, third and fourth films all go into production simultaneously. They’re essentially all in preproduction now, because we are designing creatures, settings, and characters that span all three films. And we should be finished with all three scripts within the next, I would say, six weeks….The biggest pressure I feel right now is cutting out things – I love to get the film down to a length that is affordable. There hasn’t been a problem finding new and wonderful things to include in the movie.”

James Cameron gaf ook gelijk definitief antwoord op het gerucht dat Arnold Schwarzenegger een slechterik zou spelen in de film. Hij vertelde:

“As of right now, he and I have not discussed it, and I don’t see a role as the scripts are coming together that would be appropriate for him, so I would say probably not.”

De eerste sequel voor de film zal in december 2016 verschijnen, de volgende in december 2017 en de laatste nogmaals een jaar later. Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana en Stephen Lang zullen allen hun rollen uit de eerste film nogmaals vertolken.

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