James McAvoy over omvang X-Men: Days of Future Past

Terwijl regisseur Bryan Singer druk bezig is met de post-productie van X-men: Days of Future Past, gaf hoofdrolspeler James McAvoy wat meer informatie over de omvang van de film. Hij vertelde:

“There’s an army of brilliant actors in that film. Bryan Singer is back at the helm. Potentially it’s going to be the biggest, most epic X-Men they’ve ever had. I think it’s the second biggest production Fox have ever embarked upon, behind Avatar. So they’re definitely going for it. Bryan is very protective of the series. He did create it. He did help form that environment that allowed subsequent superhero movies to exist and thrive like they have done for the last however many years. Not to say that there weren’t other superhero movies out at the time, but of that ilk, where it was OK to take it really seriously. He does take it really seriously. There’s a kind or reverence about it, which I like. You want people to take it seriously. That’s what he brings to it I think. And a safe pair of hands – you know you’re in good hands.”

Hij had het ook over de samenwerking met Patrick Stewart, wie de oudere Charles Xavier speelt en Hugh Jackman (Wolverine).

“His last day was my first day and that was it. Then we were done. But we did crossover and we do get a scene together. Getting to work with Hugh – who I christened Hugo Boss – was great. What he’s like on camera when he’s getting interviewed and you think he’s the nicest man in show business – he is. He’s amazing. The guy’s got grace coming out of every single pore. If we could all be a bit more like Hugh it would be a very happy planet.”

In X-Men: First Class werkte McAvoy vooral veel samen met Michael Fassbender (Magneto), maar hij zei dat dat deze keer niet het geval is.

“Getting to work with Michael again was great. I spent a hell of a lot of time with Nick [Nicholas Hoult]. Weirdly the people that I spent the most time with acting-wise was not Michael this time, it was Hugh (Jackman) and Nick. And whilst I bemoaned the loss of my buddy Michael, it was more than made up for by the fact that Hugh and Nick are such amazing people.”

De film wordt geregisseerd door Bryan Singer, die ook onder meer de eerste twee delen van de X-Men-filmserie regisseerde. X-Men: Days of Future Past is de zevende film in de franchise en het vervolg op X-Men: First Class. Het verhaal speelt zich af tijdens de Parijse vredesakkoorden van 1973 en in een alternatieve, dystopische toekomst. Het script werd geschreven door Simon Kinberg, Jane Goldman, Matthew Vaughn en is geïnspireerd op de verhaallijn van Chris Claremont en John Byrne uit ‘Uncanny X-Men’ nummers 141 en 142 (1981).  

Hoofdrollen zijn er voor Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, James McAvoy, Ian McKellen, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Halle Berry, Peter Dinklage, Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore, Evan Peters, Lucas TillOmar Sy

X-Men: Days of Future Past is vanaf 22 mei 2014 te zien in de bioscoop.

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