Mogelijke X-Men crossover voor X-Force

Een tijd terug meldden we dat Kick-Ass 2 regisseur Jeff Wadlow een X-Force film gaat maken. X-Force is een spin-off van de stripboeken van Marvel’s X-Men. De filmmaker legt hieronder uit wat zijn kijk op het verhaal is en hoe hij het idee aan Fox’ superhelden film consultant Mark Millar heeft gepitched:

“Yeah I’m incredibly excited about it. I love the current run, I love the original run. I think it’s the best book right now for Marvel, I really enjoy it. Basically when they announced that Mark was going to be overseeing the title for Fox … basically, they were talking about all these different ideas for franchises they could build and characters, and I said, X-Force. Gotta do an X-Force movie.’ And they originally said, ‘Maybe that’s a second step.’ And I said, ‘No, it’s about teams.’ That’s what, to me, the X universe is about. It’s not about doing movies with individual characters and then bringing them together in a team; that’s what Marvel already did with The Avengers. I think the next step is to have these teams and see how they bounce off of each other, that’s where you can have crossover potential. I said, ‘The first one’s gotta be X-Force and I want to do it. What’s it going to take?’ Mark was really supportive and he’s just been a tremendous ally of mine. I’m really grateful that he went to Fox and said, ‘This is the guy.'”

Als X-Force een grote hit wordt, hoef je niet verrast te zijn als de personages van X-Force ergens in de X-Men films opduiken, of vice versa. Wadlow is inmiddels al begonnen aan het script. Wanneer hem gevraagd werd of het verhaal dat hij schrijft zijn eigen versie is of die van de studio, had hij het volgende te zeggen:

“It’s 100% the version I wanted to do. I worked it out. This wasn’t some open assignment where they were like, ‘Who’s out there that wants to do this?’ When I heard Mark get that job, I said, ‘I want to do an X-Force movie and this is the way I would do it.’ I pitched to him and he gave me a few ideas and some notes, not as a studio mandate, just as a friend and a collaborator. Steve Asbell at Fox heard it, loved it, bought it and said, ‘Let’s do it!’ It’s the movie I wanted to make.”

Over de personages in X-Force zei hij:

“Look, I’m a huge Deadpool fan, who doesn’t love Wolverine – but obviously Cable is an iconic character we haven’t seen onscreen yet. I love Psylocke, Domino is an amazing character – it’s a long list of characters that have appeared in X-Force – Colossus is in the current lineup… There are a lot of really exciting characters that you can use in X-Force that have been in other movies, that haven’t shown up, or maybe there’s ways to re-imagine them, even though they might’ve shown up in other films.”

X-Force komt ergens in 2016 in de Nederlandse bioscopen en wordt geregisseerd door Jeff Wadlow.

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