Samuel L. Jackson terug voor Die Hardest?

Nadat A Good Day to Die Hard meer geld opbracht dan verwacht werd, ging het gerucht dat Ben Trebilcook werkte aan een script voor het zesde en laatste deel uit de Die Hard franchise. In deze films redt John McClane (Bruce Willis) de wereld. Trebilcook sprak over de nieuwe sequel:

“Hmm, what can I say? What can I say? What am I allowed to say? OK, without spoiling too much, I can say that McClane is invited to Tokyo by the Nakatomi Corporation to be commended for his bravery and efforts in saving 36 lives, celebrating this on the 30th anniversary of the Naktatomi Hostage Crisis. It’s by no means Black Rain. Perhaps has a slight Rising Sun type tone. It’s also not a double-act buddy-buddy story. McClane began on his own and should end on his own. Of course he’s had assistance in various guises, aiding him in his ventures; but it’s not Lethal Weapon or a Jackie Chan film.

McClane is a gunslinger. A now retired, worn-out, tired, busted and broken cowboy. Everything he’s been through has to be taken into account. Yes, it’s a movie, but he isn’t invincible. He was never Bond. That’s what was so appealing to me with Bruce’s character. He got hurt.”

Trebilcook zou van plan zijn om Zeus Carver, Samuel L. Jackson, te herintroduceren in het zesde deel:

“My story, being set in Japan, obviously has Nakatomi playing an extremely significant role; in a way that.. well, it’s John McClane in Japan and if you’ve seen any Japanese movies or at least know anything about their culture at all, you know it would have a lot of potential to be nuts. It’s not Ichi The Killer, but it is crazy and as real as you can get in these realms. It’s violent, but not over the top nor unnecessarily Loony Tune like Olympus. It’s well researched, faithful to the franchise, yet giving a possible audience such a refreshing punch to the face, they’ll be saying ‘Wow. I really wasn’t expecting that.’ You want a nugget, don’t you? I’m pretty sure it’s out there. A few Japanese fans on Twitter put two and two together when I uploaded a picture of a Katana (Samurai Sword) with some kanji reading ‘Zeus’. Yes, I’ve written Zeus Carver in for Samuel L Jackson.”

Die Hard is een actiefilm uit 1988, geschreven door Jeb Stuart en Steven E. de Souza. De hoofdrollen worden gespeeld door Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia, Alan Rickman en William Atherton. De film werd geregisseerd door John McTiernan. De film was een groot succes en leidde tot vier vervolgen; Die Hard 2 in 1990, Die Hard with a Vengeance in 1995, Live Free or Die Hard in 2007 en A Good Day to Die Hard in 2013.

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