Bryan Singer beantwoord vragen van fans over X-Men: Days of Future Past

Regisseur Bryan Singer heeft op Twitter  vragen van fans beantwoord over X-Men: Days of Future Past. Wij hebben de antwoorden hieronder voor jullie verzameld. Kom morgen terug voor de eerste trailer van X-Men: Days of Future Past!!

“Can you give us another hint at what we might see in the full trailer tomorrow?” –from Neil Sutton on Facebook
Bryan Singer: Tomorrow’s trailer is primarily a character piece, as most of our VFX are not yet finished.

FB fan Vlad Micu asks: “How was it to bring the cast of the original X-Men and the cast of X-Men First Class together in the same Movie?”
Singer: Awesome, and slightly intimidating.

#AskSinger #XMen was it challenging working with such a big varying cast?
Singer: .@lawrencer_ I was real comfortable with the original cast and knew the #FirstClass cast as a writer/producer but not yet as a director. With the exception of @NicholasHoult of course — but they were all fantastic and made the experience fun.

“What was the funniest moment on set with the entire cast?” –from Daniel Long on Facebook
Singer: In between shooting a serious scene on Xavier’s private jet, Michael, Nick, Hugh and James dancing to #BlurredLines #IHaveTheFootage

How does this movie make itself new and fresh, while still keeping the traditional feeling we all loved from the previous movies?#AskSinger
Singer: .@pluckthestrings It’s all in the cast. They are great actors who know their characters – who know how to bring them to life.

“Have you ever attempted Hugh Jackman’s legendary workout regimen?” –from Jacob Parker on Facebook
Singer: Someone tweeted that I was gaining weight, so I tried the workout… for a day.

Mystique has been a fun character to see in the movies. What can we expect to see from her in DOFP #ASKSINGER #XMEN
Singer: .@irturner She’s a much more hardened kick-ass character than she was in #FirstClass.

“What scene are you editing right now?” –From Kevin Lieu on Facebook
Singer: I’m tinkering with a piece in the opening that helps set up the story – but I’m in a good place with the cut. A bit ahead of schedule

“Mr. Singer, how would you characterize the tone and style of ‘Days of Future Past’?” –from Ben Ferguson on FB
Although there is a great deal of humor, the overall tone is a bit darker than previous films, particularly because of the stakes.

How many new x men characters are in the new film #XMen #AskSinger!
.@Jason_Payton82 A lot — Blink, Bishop, Sunspot, Warpath, Ink, Quicksilver, etc.

“Are there any practical jokers among the stars of Days Of Future Past? #XMen #AskSinger” –from Charlene John Crisp on Facebook
Yes. Two words. James. McAvoy. #IHaveTheFootageOnMyiPhone

#x-men #AskSinger What is it, do you think, that keeps drawing you back to the X-Men? Also… Welcome back!
.@TPF1138 I love the the characters. There’s always a new place to go in the #XMen universe. #TimeTravel #Sentinels

Is their any X-Men character that you haven’t used that you would like to? #AskSinger #XMen
.@Bmike3030 Yeah, Gambit, Deadpool, and a few others I’d rather not mention.

#xmen #AskSinger Stylistically, First Class echoed the Bond movies of the 60’s. Should we expect DoFP to echo 70’s cinema in some fashion?
.@TPF1138 Yes, in the colors, some of the style & music. I also used 16 & 8mm footage which I operated myself for some scenes which was fun.

“Will we finally get to see the sentinels in action?” –from Brandon Williams on Facebook
Yes. 🙂


De film wordt geregisseerd door Bryan Singer, die ook onder meer de eerste twee delen van de X-Men-filmserie regisseerde. X-Men: Days of Future Past is de zevende film in de franchise en het vervolg op X-Men: First Class. Het verhaal speelt zich af tijdens de Parijse vredesakkoorden van 1973 en in een alternatieve, dystopische toekomst. Het script werd geschreven door Simon Kinberg, Jane Goldman, Matthew Vaughn en is geïnspireerd op de verhaallijn van Chris Claremont en John Byrne uit ‘Uncanny X-Men’ nummers 141 en 142 (1981).  

Hoofdrollen zijn er voor Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, James McAvoy, Ian McKellen, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Halle Berry, Peter Dinklage, Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore, Evan Peters, Lucas TillOmar Sy

X-Men: Days of Future Past is vanaf 22 mei 2014 te zien in de bioscoop.