Chris Evans over Steve Rogers in Captain America: The Winter Soldier

In een nieuw interview met Empire over Captain America: The Winter Soldier doen Chris Evans, Stephen McFeely, Kevin Feige, en Joe en Anthony Russo een boekje open over de nieuwe film. Evans vertelde dat de sequel nieuw terrein verkend voor Marvel Studios en dat de film erg vergelijkbaar is met de thrillers uit de zeventiger jaren. Ook wordt er meer verteld over hoe Steve Rogers omgaat met zijn leven in 2014.

Chris Evans over de film als een ’70s thriller:

“I don’t think Marvel’s ever done anything like this. The [Russo] brothers said right from the start that we were really doing a ’70s thriller. And I think just Cap’s abilities mesh well with that kind of genre. I mean, his powers are very meat and potatoes. Faster. Stronger. Punch. Kick. That works with those types of movies. It would be more difficult to put, say, Hulk in that kind of context.”

Ook onthulde hij dat de film zich richt op de manier waarop Steve Rogers zich probeert aan te passen aan de moderne wereld:

“We really haven’t explored his adjustment period. In The Avengers we had so many characters you have to address, you don’t really have time to sit with any single one. In this movie there’s a lot going on for Steve. He’s trying to acclimatize to the modern world. I don’t want to give too much away, but it’s about trying to find how he fits. He’s a man from the 1940s. He’s just woken up. For everybody else, it’s been a slow burn to get to where we are in 2014. But for him, suddenly there’s the internet, cell phones and The Patriot Act. The technology’s new to him and so is the access the government has to that technology.”

Hij gaf als laatste zijn omschrijving van het personage Captain America:

“To be a good man is difficult. To be the best man you can be is even harder. Even though he doesn’t choose to wear his baggage on his sleeve, I think that’s his skill set. He doesn’t moan. There is a depth to him. There are always new things to find. For the first film it was about the new body and responsibilities. Here we get to dive back in with that established. It feels really comfortable coming back to him.”

Stephen McFeely, een van de schrijvers van Captain America: The First Avenger en Captain America: The Winter Soldier liet zich uit over de moeilijkheden voor een schrijver om Steve Rogers naar de moderne wereld te brengen:

“We knew we were going to make the first film a period piece. That really appealed to us. It was the only way to make a Captain America movie that would not come off as ridiculous. A man does not decide to put on an American flag outfit in 2011, but he might in World War II. That was our initial problem with this movie. How do we make sense of him in the modern world? I mean, he’s really Gary Cooper. The solution is kind of that the world changes in response to him. He is usually correct. In this one, we’re dealing with the Cap after Marvel thawed him out in the ’60s, the one whose values don’t necessarily match ours. We went down a bunch of roads and kept coming back to this idea of a conspiracy movie. It’s what’s going to get the most out of the moral dilemma for the character. How does he fit in? How does he see where we’ve ended up? He hasn’t experienced everything we’ve gone through to get to this point, where agendas are now really murky.”

Over de slechterik van de film, The Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) vertelde de schrijver:

“The Winter Soldier is a product of dubious, corrupt practices that don’t make you feel good when you drag them into the light. Everything kept pointing to something like Three Days of the Condor.

Kevin Feige, producent van de film, was het eens met de vergelijking met Three Days of the Condor:

“In our attempt to make all of our films feel unique and feel different we found ourselves going back to things like Condor. Also the other political thrillers of the ’70s: The Parallax View, All the President’s Men. This was a time that Cap existed in in the comics. He found himself in the swinging ’60s followed by the Watergate era followed by the Reagan era followed by where we are today. In the comics it was a hell of a journey for Steve, And we couldn’t take him through those years because in our cinematic universe he was asleep. But we wanted to force him to confront that kind of moral conundrum, something with that ’70s flavor. And in our film that takes the form of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Joe Russo vond Marvel’s idee van een thriller erg goed. Hij vertelde Empire wat Marvel vond van de verandering in toon vergeleken met de eerste film:

“We knew that they wanted a thriller, which was an idea we loved, but they have been incredibly supportive of how different in tone we’ve made this compared to the first film. I don’t know that we’ll ever work again with a company like this. Kevin is a uniquely creative executive producer. We’ve had the least amount of interference and the most amount of support that we’ve ever had on a movie. There are layers to this film. It makes the characters more interesting. I think when people see this film they’ll realize how unique this Captain America franchise is. This is a radically different movie than the first.”

Anthony Russo gaf als afsluiting nog een teaser over een autoachtervolging en dat hij verschillende thrillers heeft bestudeerd voor deze scène:

“We’ve been studying it over and over in slow motion. Why is that car chase so effective? Because you care about who’s in the car. The Conversation, Blow Out for a kind of tone, how sound design helps to build the paranoia. So we’re building things into the back speakers that you kind of don’t hear. We’re both real fans of (Michael Mann’s) Heat and the heist sequence in that, the vĂ©ritĂ© style.”

Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), beter bekend als de superheld Captain America, heeft moeite met zijn rol in de moderne wereld. Samen met Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson), alias Black Widow, trekt hij ten strijde om een sterke maar geheimzinnige vijand te bestrijden, die zich verstopt in het hedendaagse Washington. Natasha is een spionne die werkt voor S.H.I.E.L.D., de veiligheidsdienst onder leiding van Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson).

Verder zijn er rollen voor Sebastian Stan, Frank Grillo, Cobie Smulders, Toby Jones, Emily VanCamp, Hayley Atwell, Maximiliano Hernandez, Robert Redford en Georges St-Pierre. Captain America: The Winter Soldier wordt geregisseerd door Anthony Russo en Joe Russo op basis van een scenario door Christopher Markus en Stephen McFeely.

De film draait vanaf 27 maart 2014 in de bioscoop.