Eerste reacties op Captain Marvel
Met nog maar twee en een halve week te gaan tot de langverwachte première van Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel, zijn de eerste reacties van critici op het web verschenen! Bekijk de reacties op Captain Marvel hieronder!
Facts: @brielarson is an unstoppable force as #CaptainMarvel. A supreme embodiment of the late 80’s to 90’s heroines that we looked up to, fully formed with agency and whose main relationship is with her best friend. So many girls are gonna see themselves, their struggle & fight!
— Sabina Graves (@SabinaHasNoR) 20 februari 2019
Hella empowering & filled with my 90’s Cali childhood! I saw the metro station near where I grew up by the old Marvel Studios, the Naval base my dad worked at when he immigrated here, & a friendship that made me miss my best friend.#HigherFurtherFaster— Sabina Graves (@SabinaHasNoR) 20 februari 2019
#CaptainMarvel: Well, Thanos is fucked.
— Angie J. Han (@ajhan) 20 februari 2019
My kingdom for a Nick Fury & Goose buddy comedy #CaptainMarvel
— Angie J. Han (@ajhan) 20 februari 2019
Really loved #CaptainMarvel. It’s a little wobbly at times but only because it’s so ambitious. It’s beautifully constructed, hilarious and offers tons of surprises. @brielarson obviously rules but Ben Mendelsohn is the surprise MVP. pic.twitter.com/yQLQGl2Yt0
— Drew Taylor (@DrewTailored) 20 februari 2019
#CaptainMarvel is pure joy. I cannot wait for the generation of little girls who will grow up with Carol Danvers as a hero.
— Devan Coggan (@devancoggan) 20 februari 2019
#CaptainMarvel is (takes deep 90s breath) TOTALLY AWESOME. Never related to a Marvel character quite like Carol. She’s the stubborn witty 90s kid I like to think I am. pic.twitter.com/H6Q9s90KHA
— Ash Crossan (@AshCrossan) 20 februari 2019
CAPTAIN MARVEL isn’t what I expected based on marketing. It’s pretty much an “all in” cosmic space movie. Also, it’s a lot weirder than I expected. Ben Mendelsohn is awesome as Talos.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) 20 februari 2019
And not wacky weird like the GOTG movies. Think more “Rey snapping into endless mirrors” from The Last Jedi type scenes. Also, finally, the MCU and a Nirvana song come together (as Kurt Cobain wanted)
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) 20 februari 2019
I can’t get over how great Ben Mendelsohn is. I was worried he was just going to be one of those Marvel villains with alien makeup, but that’s not the case at all. This movie doesn’t work without him.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) 20 februari 2019
#CaptainMarvel was a lot of fun! Just enough ‘90s nostalgia without overdoing it. Brie Larson is great. Ditto Sam Jackson & Ben Mendelsohn. Goose the cat is purr-fect. Some nice surprises and clever decisions throughout. Cool sci-fi elements. And funny! Thumbs up! pic.twitter.com/PzzxXir8pZ
— Jim Vejvoda (@JimVejvoda) 20 februari 2019
Captain Marvel is everything that I hoped it would be. It feels completely unlike any other Marvel film. A unique and fresh take on an origin story that feels new. Brie Larson is fantastic as Carol Danvers. This is one of my favorite Marvel movies of all time. #CaptainMarvel pic.twitter.com/0ou7HU93MY
— Scott Menzel (@TheOtherScottM) 20 februari 2019
The future of the MCU gets even brighter adding #CaptainMarvel to the mix. Really fell for @brielarson’s sass, strength & energy in the role. Same with @LashanaLynch too! Ben Mendelsohn is A+ casting as Talos. And yes, Goose is a scene stealer. 2nd viewing can’t come soon enough.
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) 20 februari 2019
Some initial #CaptainMarvel reactions:
1. Cat people will love this movie.
2. Several truly magnificent music moments for this 90s kid.
3. Carol’s hero moment was very cathartic/true to the female experience, imho.
4. The MCU feels more complete now that Carol is in it. ♥️— Kayti Burt (@kaytiburt) 20 februari 2019
#CaptainMarvel is a welcome addition to the #MCU. The movie is really well done with some great moments. #benmendelsohn steals almost every scene he’s in. @brielarson literally shines in the role. So ready for #AvengersEndGame pic.twitter.com/GET0socRjl
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) 20 februari 2019
Realized something half way through #CaptainMarvel…the de-aging technology being used has become so seamless that I forgot it was being used. We are on the precipice of something both exciting and scary. Can only imagine what Scorsese will do with it in ‘The Irishman’. pic.twitter.com/JvYbobhoXp
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) 20 februari 2019
Captain Marvel is a blast! Has some cool surprises that I definitely didn’t see coming, and the mystery/origin it weaves is engaging and fun. Brie Larson is awesome, and makes a fantastic first step into the MCU #CaptainMarvel pic.twitter.com/oqrRtgDQrp
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) 20 februari 2019
#CaptainMarvel has a great ‘90s sci-fi vibe w/ a tone unlike any other Marvel movie, really. It’s retro & trippy, mysterious & dorky. It’s funny in surprising places & badass in all the right places. It remains entertaining because it’s always changing. It’s got the right stuff pic.twitter.com/o7AvqYY63x
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) 20 februari 2019
Fans of #CaptainMarvel comics are going to love the movie. Plain and simple.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) 20 februari 2019
Captain Marvel: a genuine movie with character arcs, themes, gravity, and frames that pop. The ensemble chemistry and low-key asides reminded me of the first Captain America (my fav). Carol goes off, which is extremely fulfilling.
— Matt Patches (@misterpatches) 20 februari 2019
Its very different than most of the MCU films and so very 90s. It’s funny and fun and super empowering. It made me feel proud to be a woman.
Also, as a 90s teen, the soundtrack….oh, the soundtrack ❤
— Yolanda Machado (@SassyMamainLA) 20 februari 2019
#captainmarvel had space battles, car chases, an amazing 90s soundtrack and an ADORABLE ?! A surprisingly fun script, laughed so much!!! Great to finally see this kick-butt heroine in action ? pic.twitter.com/Res8K8wMA7
— Jacki Jing (@JackiJing) 20 februari 2019
There’s an earnestness to #CaptainMarvel that feels different than other MCU films. I got chills watching Carol Danvers get back up over & over & over again.
— Anna Klassen (@AnnaJKlassen) 20 februari 2019
#CaptainMarvel opens with a very touching Stan Lee tribute that Marvel fans will love. pic.twitter.com/yXDScRwiwW
— Anna Klassen (@AnnaJKlassen) 20 februari 2019
I saw #CaptainMarvel tonight and I am pitching a spin-off series ?(They are going to sell so much Goose merch…To me.) pic.twitter.com/4zzh3NOHMS
— Roth Cornet (@RothCornet) 20 februari 2019
@captainmarvel has a lot of heart is is super relevant to the times now. I loved all of the characters in this but Goose the cat might be my favorite MCU character. I’m excited to see @brielarson the the future of the MCU. #CaptainMarvel #marvel #marvelstudios pic.twitter.com/WdhL3WixbO
— Joseph Deckelmeier (@ThatHashtagJoe) 20 februari 2019
Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel is een compleet nieuw avontuur dat zich afspeelt in 1990, een tot nu toe verborgen periode uit de geschiedenis van het Marvel Cinematic Universe. Carol Danvers’ reis wordt gevolgd wanneer zij één van de machtigste superhelden van het universum wordt. Terwijl een galactische oorlog tussen twee buitenaardse rassen de aarde bereikt, bevindt Danvers zich samen met een groepje bondgenoten middenin deze draaikolk.
De film heeft hoofdrollen voor Brie Larson, Ben Mendelsohn, Samuel L. Jackson, Jude Law, Gemma Chan, Lashana Lynch, Algenis Perez Soto, Rune Temte, McKenna Grace. Djimon Hounsou en Lee Pace zullen wederom hun rollen spelen uit Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Ten slotte keert Clark Gregg terug als Agent Phil Coulson!
De film is geregisseerd door Anna Boden en Ryan Fleck op basis van een scenario door Boden, Fleck, Geneva Robertson-Dworet en Jac Schaeffer. Captain Marvel gaat op 6 maart 2019 in première.