Eerste reacties Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Het wachten is bijna voorbij! Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker verschijnt over slechts enkele dagen in de bioscoop en het eerste publiek reageerde na de première in Hollywood. De eerste reacties en recensies op sociale media zijn officieel op internet verschenen. Bekijk hieronder een selectie!
I might be in the minority on #TheRiseofSkywalker. I have a lot to say but will wait till after it has opened. pic.twitter.com/Pn9B18uTVk
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) December 17, 2019
Star Wars: #TheRiseOfSkwalker is TRULY a satisfying conclusion to the saga. It answers practically everything you want to know and more.. with some twists and turns. If you think you know what’s going to happen, think again. #StarWars pic.twitter.com/72WsWzk21o
— Mansoor Mithaiwala (@MansoorAYM) December 17, 2019
RISE OF SKYWALKER could only have been ruder to Rian Johnson if they had motion-smoothed it
— Kyle Buchanan (@kylebuchanan) December 17, 2019
Epic. All of it. #TheRiseofSkywalker is a terrific finale that is just stuffed with so much of everything. Action, adventure — answers!! — humor, heart, love, and grit. I spent the entire second half with tears in my eyes – a wonderful way to end the Skywalker story pic.twitter.com/K2NhHSGWzM
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) December 17, 2019
#RiseofSkywalker is rocky af at the start, but ultimately I had a pretty darn good time at the movies. It’s a whole lot of movie that ticks a lot of boxes. Maybe TOO many boxes. It ticked many of mine! It may tick some of yours! There will be many opinions! This is one of them!
— Haleigh Foutch (@HaleighFoutch) December 17, 2019
So, I’m not too surprised and at times I felt too much fan service was given, but #TheRiseofSkywalker is everything and nothing that you’re expecting.
So I guess what my immediate reaction is: God I love this franchise and I’ll miss the Skywalker saga.
— Yolanda Machado (@SassyMamainLA) December 17, 2019
#TheRiseOfSkywalker is ummmmmm a lot! tons to love here, no shortage of crowd pleasing moments and twists and cameos, but also quite a bit to ?. some faves: jannah ?, d-0 ?, finn of course ?. and what a lovely send off for our general leia ???
— Angie J. Han (@ajhan) December 17, 2019
I’m emotional, overwhelmed, surprised, shocked & stunned. More than anything, I’m happy. Thanks for coming through one more time, Star Wars.#TheRiseOfSkywalker
— Mark Ellis (@markellislive) December 17, 2019
I’m still processing #StarWars #TheRiseofSkywalker. The emotional highs are spectacular, and there are a lot of payoffs (some earned, some not). But some choices feel like an unnecessary course-correct from The Last Jedi and some just plain don’t make sense. Need to see it again pic.twitter.com/NcgBbAeCVx
— Laura Prudom (@LauInLA) December 17, 2019
STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER is certainly the most convoluted Star Wars. There is a lot I liked, but the first half gets so bogged down with exposition and new plot and doodads and beacons and transmitters, it feels like it should have been three movies on its own.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) December 17, 2019
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker has everything you want and more.
Which I don’t necessarily think is a good thing.
I loved parts, I didn’t love others, and I’m leaving the theater very, very conflicted about it. pic.twitter.com/dOYAP6Ntbi
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) December 17, 2019
I’ve seen #StarWarsTheRiseofSkywalker. It’s… a lot. There’s a lot I like and some I loved but overall my feelings are pretty mixed. It felt like an apology for The Last Jedi in some ways and a sequel to The Force Awakens in many, which I found frustrating. pic.twitter.com/6m8sOQWhTx
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) December 17, 2019
THE RISE OF SKYWALKER is everything I wanted it to be — because there’s never been a STAR WARS movie like this before.
It’s dark and scary, but hopeful and beautiful.
It ends the trilogy while also ending the saga as a whole.
I know I’m rambling — but I worship this movie. pic.twitter.com/XoJFl8Rv8n
— Jake Hamilton (@JakesTakes) December 17, 2019
Man does #TheRiseOfSkwalker MOVE. This film hits the ground running & doesn’t let up. JJ’s energy is all over this thing. A Last Crusade style adventure. The bromance between Poe & Finn steals the film. Felt a bit more concerned w/plot than character, tad rushed, good not great. pic.twitter.com/S4tbDhXG35
— Griffin Schiller (@griffschiller) December 17, 2019
There is good in Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker. But there is more that is disappointing. There are a number of choices that just don’t track, fan service that doesn’t work, and ignored details that are missed. I’m bummed. #StarWarsRiseofSkywalker pic.twitter.com/Ztk0VzGc6H
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) December 17, 2019
Well… #TheRiseOfSkywalker is a drastic departure from TLJ, but also not as invigorating as TFA. It is a movie packed with action (it’s seriously nonstop), but also jammed with fan service. @starwars fans – brace for the debates. pic.twitter.com/DjKo9ejRWw
— CinemaBlend (@CinemaBlend) December 17, 2019
#TheRiseofSkywalker definitely tries to wrap up nine movies – a LOT happens – and does so in often funny, sometimes surprising, emotional and bombastic fashion. Not the best #StarWars but one with great new characters, cool twists and a fantastic group dynamic. pic.twitter.com/q8Dytqne7M
— Brian Truitt (@briantruitt) December 17, 2019
Just stepped out of #TheRiseofSkywalker. It’s an immensely satisfying and MASSIVE end to the saga. It somehow addresses issues, problematic characters, and most unanswered questions from The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi too. pic.twitter.com/TMKeXCXuUx
— Rob Keyes (@rob_keyes) December 17, 2019
De hoofdrollen in de film worden gespeeld door Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Lupita Nyong’o, Domhnall Gleeson, Kelly Marie Tran, Joonas Suotamo, Billie Lourd, Naomi Ackie, Richard E. Grant, Dominic Monaghan, Matt Smith en Keri Russell. De Star Wars veteranen die in Episode IX zullen verschijnen zijn Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels en Billy Dee Williams, wie terugkeert als Lando Calrissian. Carrie Fisher zullen we terug zien in de rol van Leia Organa dankzij ongebruikte beelden uit Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Lucasfilm en regisseur J.J. Abrams bundelen opnieuw hun krachten en nemen de kijkers mee op een epische reis naar een galaxy far, far away met Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Een meeslepend slot van de baanbrekende Skywalker-saga, waar nieuwe legendes worden geboren en de laatste strijd voor vrijheid gaat beginnen.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is vanaf 18 december 2019 te zien in de Nederlandse bioscopen.