Eerste recensies Suicide Squad overwegend negatief

De hype rondom Suicide Squad is in volle gang sinds het vrijgegeven van de eerste trailer tijdens San Diego Comic-Con 2015. De film zal vanaf deze week in de bioscopen te zien zijn, maar de eerste recensies zijn al online verschenen. Na het slechte ontvangst van Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is het voor Warner Bros.’s DC-filmuniversum van levensbelang dat Suicide Squad een hit wordt. Dus, wat is het oordeel over de film?? Hieronder lees je de eerste recensies, die niet bepaald positief zijn over de film.

Variety – Peter DeBruge

“For reasons beyond Ayer’s control, he’s beholden to the corporate vision of other recent DC adaptations, most notably Zack Snyder’s sleek-surfaced and oppressively self-serious riffs on the Superman legend. While it would have been amazing to see the director (fresh off WWII-set suicide-mission movie “Fury”) push his own nothing-to-lose anarchic boundaries, he’s ultimately forced to conform to Snyder’s style, to the extent that Suicide Squad ends up feeling more like the exec producer’s gonzo effects-saturated Sucker Punch.”

The Hollywood Reporter – Todd McCarthy

“The action of the film’s middle and latter stages is largely set in a gloomy murk that recalls far too many previous dour sci-fi/fantasy films, and by that point, vestiges of the opening stretch’s humor and snap long have fallen by the wayside. Suicide Squad may not quite commit harakiri, but it certainly feels like it’s taken far too many sleeping pills.”

Empire – Dan Jolin

“Filling its entire super-team with previously unseen antagonists, Suicide Squad represents a Flash-speed sprint of a catch-up for the rapidly forming DC Cinematic Universe. And, on that front at least, it’s a real hoot
 False starts, oddly placed flashbacks, clunky cameos
 and a muddled chronology detract from the grungy, kooky DayGlo-splashed fun.” 4/5

IGN – Joshua Yehl

“Suicide Squad is a decidedly different flavor than Batman v Superman. It goes for subversive, funny and stylish, and it succeeds wildly during the first act. But then the movie turns into something predictable and unexciting. It plods on, checking off boxes on a list of cliched moments and meaningless plot points, making you wonder where all the razzle-dazzle went.” 5.9/10

HitFix – Drew McWeeny

“When Suicide Squad gets it right, I like it a lot, and it gets it right often enough that I like a lot of it. It won’t deliver the decisive knockout blow that ends the DC/Marvel rivalry that the most impassioned fans seem to want, but nothing will. What it does is make a case for how much fun this universe can be when the characters are embraced fully and when a filmmaker seems excited by the opportunities afforded by those characters. Lots of superhero films struggle to make us like their heroes even half as much as we end up liking the villains here, and that alone is a pretty canny trick, one that I suspect audiences will enjoy quite a bit.”

Entertainment Weekly – Chris Nashawaty

“Writer-director David Ayer (End of Watch) skillfully sets up the film, introducing each of the crazies with caffeinated comic-book energy. But their mission
 is a bit of a bust. For DC, which blew it with Batman v Superman last spring, Suicide Squad is a small step forward. But it could have been a giant leap.”

Vanity Fair – Richard Lawson

“Suicide Squad is bad. Not fun bad. Not redeemable bad. Not the kind of bad that is the unfortunate result of artists honorably striving for something ambitious and falling short. Suicide Squad is just bad. It’s ugly and boring, a toxic combination that means the film’s highly fetishized violence doesn’t even have the exciting tingle of the wicked or the taboo. (Oh, how the movie wants to be both of those things.) It’s simply a dull chore steeped in flaccid machismo, a shapeless, poorly edited trudge that adds some mildly appalling sexism and even a soupçon of racism to its abundant, hideously timed gun worship. But, perhaps worst of all, Suicide Squad is ultimately too shoddy and forgettable to even register as revolting. At least revolting would have been something.”

io9 – Germain Lussier

“The movie [is] a motley amalgamation—a strange blend of different tones, stories ,and pacing all mashed into something that has cool individual elements, but never really comes together
 Some of the action is fun, some of the characters are great, and it does reach some nice emotional peaks. But it never feels like a true, cohesive movie. It feels a B-movie—an action-packed one, but a B-movie nonethelesses—that just happens to be set in the DC Universe.”

USA Today – Brian Truitt

“Like The Dirty Dozen for the Hot Topic generation, the team gets in-your-face introductions and things just grow more mental from there. But compared to its ilk, Suicide Squad is an excellently quirky, proudly raised middle finger to the staid superhero-movie establishment.”

Comic Book Resources – Kristy Puchko

“Though wonky in structure, it makes a certain sense that this antihero tale wouldn’t play by the rules. Packed with attitude, Suicide Squad is ferocious fun, boasting a bounty of action, mirthful mayhem, and a cavalcade of curious characters. It’s just the kick in the pants Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment need to correct course ahead of next year’s Justice League.”

Village Voice – Bilge Ebiri

“David Ayer’s film may not always work, but when it does, it’s a perverse delight
 The actors help. We know the film would never dare to make Will Smith a true villain, but he adeptly handles the hard edge of his ultimately valiant character, convincing us of his ruthlessness
 Robbie is clearly having the time of her life as the gyrating, acrobatic, utterly nutzoid Harley Quinn, who balances batshit cruelty with a kind of mundane bubbliness.”

Chicago Tribune – Michael Phillips

“Meanwhile we have this thing, this garish, overstaffed, overstuffed, blithely sadistic corporate directive disguised as a PG-13 summer movie for all ages
 Folks, this is a lousy script, blobby like the endlessly beheaded minions of the squad’s chief adversary. It’s not satisfying storytelling; the flashbacks roll in and out, explaining either too much or too little, and the action may be violent but it’s not interesting.”

CutPrintFilm – Chris Evangelista

“Suicide Squad is weird. And it’s an interesting kind of weird: awash in black magic, gooey eyeball monsters, and Escape From New York-like explosive neck devices. It has great potential to be a silly, pop-art infused action film in the vein of Guardians of the Galaxy. Or perhaps it could’ve been something darker — a character drama about people who do bad things suddenly learning to do good. Or, as it turns out, it could just be an excuse to have a bunch of costumed actors wander around, shoot guns and crack flat jokes. Ayer has constructed a monumental mess here — a film so haphazardly put together that you get the impression that it was edited using a blender on the “ice crush” setting.”

Suicide Squad recensies

Een groep bijzondere en extreme criminelen voert klusjes uit voor de overheid in ruil voor hun vrijheid. Beter bekend als de Task Force X gaan ze hun missies te lijf. Het voelt goed om slecht te zijn
 Stel een team samen van ‘s werelds meest gevaarlijke, gevangen genomen Super Schurken en geef ze de meest geavanceerde wapens die er beschikbaar zijn. Stuur ze vervolgens op een missie om een onbekende, onoverwinnelijke entiteit te verslaan.

U.S. intelligence officer Amanda Waller heeft besloten dat alleen een in het geheim opgesloten groep wanhopige, afschuwwekkende misdadigers, die niets te verliezen hebben, volstaat. Echter, wanneer zij ontdekken niet geselecteerd te zijn om te slagen, maar enkel om hun schuld in te lossen (falen is onvermijdelijk), is het de vraag of de Suicide Squad tijdens een poging zal sterven, of dat het vanaf nu ieder voor zich wordt.

In de film spelen de superschurken van DC Comics de hoofdrol. Het is de derde film in het DC Extended Universe.

Hoofdrollen zijn er voor Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Jai Courtney, Karen Fukuhara, Viola Davis, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Jared Leto, Jay Hernandez, Ike Barinholtz, Scott Eastwood, Cara Delevingne.

De film is geschreven en geregisseerd door David Ayer en zal op 4 augustus 2016 in premiÚre gaan.