Karl Urban over Star Trek 3 & Star Wars
Karl Urban spreekt zijn gedachten uit over Star Trek 3, mede als dat hij geen rol wilt spelen in J.J. Abrams‘ Star Wars: Episode VII. De acteur uit Nieuw Zeeland wie Bones speelt in Star Trek, zei dat hij originaliteit en ruimte verkenning wilt zien in het vervolg op Into Darkness:
“What I really believe we should do now is strive for originality. Because in Star Trek Into Darkness we took one of the most revered and loved adversaries of the Enterprise and put him in there, and did a story that had all of these wonderful nods to films from the past, and episodes from the past. I really think that what we should do from here, in my personal opinion, is strive to be original. Strive to be something different and new. You know, let’s not forget that Star Trek as envisioned was about space exploration. And it would be really wonderful to harness the spirit of that and apply it to the next film, so that we do something different than a revenge-based picture.”
Wanneer hem gevraagd werd of hij geïnteresseerd is in een rol in Star Wars, gaf hij als antwoord een definitieve “nee”:
“I grew up watching it… I just love that universe, but that being said, I have no desire to be part of it. I don’t see the worlds of Star Trek and Star Wars joining. I’ve made a commitment to Star Trek and I’m going to keep it. It wouldn’t feel right to me. Being in Star Trek, to suddenly be in Star Wars wouldn’t feel right to me.”
Toen hem gevraagd werd naar een mogelijke cross-over tussen Star Wars & Star Trek, zei hij:
“”J.J. is behind the camera. There’s a difference when you’re putting a face and a personality in front of the camera, and I wouldn’t want to do that do an audience. I, as an audience member, wouldn’t want to see an actor from Star Trek in Star Wars. I just wouldn’t. When I go into a Star Wars movie I want to be completely enveloped. I don’t want to be taken out of the picture by going, ‘Oh my God, there’s Scotty, what’s he doing in Star Wars?’”