Legendary plant Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus films
Legendary Entertainment heeft een wat ongebruikelijke bron gevonden voor een nieuwe reeks films. Volgens Variety heeft de studio de filmrechten gekocht van John Grey’s bekende relatiehandboek Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. Daarnaast weet de site te melden dat er niet gewerkt wordt aan slechts één film, maar aan twee verschillende films.
Het boek werd voor het eerst in 1992 uitgegeven en wordt volgens John Grey’s officiële site als volgt beschreven:
Men Are From Mars, Women Are from Venus is the essential tool for couples who want to develop more satisfying relationships with their partners. John Gray provides a practical and proven way for men and women to communicate better by understanding and respecting the differences between them.
When it comes to relationships, most would agree that it’s a constant battle of the sexes. Pretending that men and women are from different planets can help us to deal with the opposite sex in a loving and accepting way, leading to better relationships.
Throughout Men Are From Mars, Women Are from Venus, John shows how to diminish frustration and disappointment in relationships, and instead create intimacy and relate lovingly to the opposite sex, through a better understanding and accepting the differences between men and women.
John explains what it takes to have a successful relationship. He provides different scenarios from both the woman’s and the man’s point of view and offers advice on how to counteract differences in communication styles, emotional needs, and behavior patterns.
John realizes that “not only do men and women communicate differently, but they think, feel, perceive, react, respond, love, need, and appreciate differently.” So, instead of discussing “why” men and women are different, he focuses on what those differences are and explains the ways men and women react to stress, what motivates them, and their emotional cycles and needs.
Gray zal dienst doen als een van de producenten.