Max Landis wil Lethal Weapon 5
In de Lethal Weapon franchise spelen Mel Gibson & Danny Glover de twee politieagenten Riggs en Murtaugh. De eerste film was te zien in 1987. Daarna kwamen er in 1989, 1992 en 1998 nog drie vervolgen uit. Scenarist Max Landis heeft in een recent interview laten weten dat hij een voorstel heeft gedaan voor Lethal Weapon 5:
“The final ‘Lethal Weapon,’ if I have to pocket-pitch it right now, is Murtaugh and Riggs are asked to work with a group of, like, four cops who are younger, who were all involved in an action movie that we didn’t see. You hear the report, and it sounds like a ‘Lethal Weapon’ movie: ‘They drove a school bus off of an oil rig?’ Then Murtaugh and Riggs are assigned to take them on like an Outward Bound program and try to teach them to be better cops and respect authority. Then it turns out the villain from the action movies that we missed is coming to kill them. Murtaugh and Riggs in the woods for the first time in any of the movies, with four characters we really like, do a slasher movie.”
Verder vertelde hij:
“That works, but I’m sure there’s a better way than that. That’s the one that jumps to the front of my eyes, because you want them to be sitting around the campfire, being old men. You don’t want them to be like Bruce Willis in ‘A Good Day to Die Hard.’ You remember that scene from Lethal Weapon 3 where they are on the boat and they get in the argument and they start crying? That’s writing right there.”
De vorige vier films waren samen goed voor een wereldwijde opbrengst van ruim 1 miljard dollar.